Sunday, October 17, 2021


EPISODE #1:  A Colorful Return.                                                               16 To Start

 HOST:  Elaine Welteroth

MENTOR:  Christian Sirano.

PLACE:  New York City, NEW YORK

PRIZES:  $250,000

                Feature in Elle Magazine,

                Career Change Memorship with (CFDA), Council of Fashion Designers of America.

JUDGES:  Elaine Welteroth,

                  Brandon Maxwell,

                 Nina Garcia.

HAIR:  Tresemme

MAKE-UP:  Maybelline

WORK ROOM:  Duggal Greenhouse.


1.  ANNA YINAN ZHOU                                                                          San Fransico, CALIFORNIA

2.  SABRINA SPANTA                                                                             Bloomfield Hill, MICHIGAN

3.  ZAYDEN SKIPPER                                                                             Atlanta, GEORGIA

4.  CHASITY SEREAL                                                                             Houston, TEXAS

5.  AARON MICHEAL                                                                             Jackson, MISSISSIPPI

6.  SHANTELL LACAYO                                                                        Miami, FLORIDA

7.  KATIE KORTMAN                                                                              JAPAN

8.  KRISTINA KHARLASHKINA                                                           New York City, NEW YORK

9.  BONES JONES                                                                                     Harlem, NEW YORK

10.  PRAJJE OSCAR JEAN-BAPTISTE                                                 Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA

11.  MEG FERGUSON                                                                            Tulsa, OKLAHOMA

12.  CORAL CASTILLO                                                                         Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA

13.  CAYEE BLACK                                                                                Brooklyn, NEW YORK

14.  KENNETH BARLIS                                                                         San Diego, CALIFORNIA

15.  DARREN APOLONIO                                                                      New York City, NEW YORK

16.  OCTAVIO AGUILAR                                                                       Miami, FLORIDA

The deisners arrived at LINCOLN CENTER where they were greeted by the judges and the models wearing Colorful clothing.  Then they divided into 2 teams of 8:  Warm & Cool.

WARM:  Kenneth, Shantell, Bones, Coral, Aaron, Octavio, Darren & Prajje.

COOL:  Katie, Zayden, Caycee, Kristina, Meg, Chastity, Sabrina & Anna.

FIRST CHALLENGE:  A celebration of Color.  Working in 2 teams.  Each team create a cohesive collection of 8 indididual monochromatic runway looks celebrating color in 2 days.  BUT, NEW TWIST:  Each team will work separately - one in the day time & the other at night.

- At the last 30 minutes Darren had a breakdown & couldn't finished his dress & Bones had to finished it.




- TOP 3:  Octavio, Bones & Darren.  ( He didn't take credit for his outfit but gave credit to Bones)


- BOTTOM 3:  Sabrina, Caycee & Chasity.

WINNER IS:  Bones - has Immunity.


EPISODE #2:  Streetwear.                                                                                           15 Left.

START OFF:  Back in the Lounge after the last runway show.  Then Chjristian came in to tell them about the next challenge.

CHALLENGE:  StreetWear,  Create an impactful streetwear look.  First individual challenge.  Must contain 3 separate pieces.  2 Days.

NEXT DAY:  DAY 1:  At the designer's house.  Models cards arrived for them to pick the models.  Meg is causing trouble.  This is not the right formate for her.  Meg doesn't like to be around a lot of people.  Then they start to Sketch then went to Mood.

ARRIVED AT:  At their Work Place.  Again, Meg started a fight between Kenneth.

DAY 2:  Christina Arrived & asked them to gather around - Meg is out of the competition.     14 Left.

DAY 3:  Finish their work.

                           DAY OF RUNWAY SHOW.

GUEST JUDGE:  Wisdom Kaye.

HIGH TO LOW SCORES:  Kenneth, Zayden, Aaron, Kristina, Prajje, Darren, & Katie.

TOP 4:  Kristina, Aaron, Prajje, & Zayden.

                 WINNER:  Prajje.

BOTTOM 3:  Kenneth, Darren & Katie.

ELIMINATED:  No-One Since Meg quit.

EPISODE #3:  If You Got it, Haunt it.                                                                                     13 Left.

STAART OFF:  At the Work Place - Christian scared the designers (cause it is Halloween).  Told to go the next place where they will be told of their challenge.

ARRIVED AT:  Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum & Garden.

CHALLENGE:  Spending the night to get some inspiration for their next challenge.  In 2 Days Create a haunting chic gown for a fabulous Masquerade ball & mask,

NEXT DAY:  Head to Mood - Where Christian & Swatch was there.  ( I was HAPPY to see Swatch). 30 minutes & $500.00 to shop.  Back to Work place to begin working.

NEXT DAY:  Models fitting.

NEXT DAY:  3 hrs before the Runway.   Finish working.

                             THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGE:  Taraji P. Henson, Actress.

TOP 3:  Anna, Octavio & Chasity.

                           WINNER:  Chasity.

BOTTOM 3:  Zayden, Kenneth & Bones.

ELIMINATED:  Kenneth.  need to mature & grow.

EPISODE #4:  Flower Power.                                                              12 Left.

START OFF:  At the Designer's place getting ready to leave for the work place.

ARRIVED AT:  The work place all Decorated in flowers, when Elaine was there with Lewis Miller, Floral Designer.

CHALLENGE:  Create a high end fashion look that embraces floral print - creating your own print in 2 days.  A Mini Mood shop will be set up in the workplace for supplemental fabric. 

DAY 1:  working with a graphic designer thru the computer, start sketching.

DAY 2:  Getting their fabrics.  Models fitting.  Christian comes around to mentor them.

DAY 3:  Finish rtheir work.

                         THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGE:  Gigi Hadid.

TOP 3:  Krintina, Shantall & Prajje.

                            WINNER:  Shantall.

BOTTOM 3:  Darrell, Sabrina & Katie.

ELIMINATED:  Darrell - too young.

EPISODE #5:  Go for the Gold....Sequins.                                                      12 Left.

START OFF:  In the Designer's Townhouse just waking up with a lot of stress & tired.  Soon, headed to the work place to the runway where they are greeted by:  Tara Lipinski & Johnny Weir, Commentators & Olympians.      BEIJING 2022 WINTER OLYPMICS

CHALLENGE:  Create looks for them to wear during the up coming Olympics.  Will be working in pairs 1 for Tara & 1 for Johnny. in 1 Day.

Chasity & Zayden,            Coral & Kristina,        Anna & Bones,     Shantall & Aaron

                     Prajje & Sabrina      and        Katie & Octavio.

- Going to Mood to meet Christian.  45 minutes to shop & Budget $1,200.  Christian told them he can SAVE anyone.

                                            THE RUNWAY SHOW!

GUEST JUDGES:  Tara & Johnny.

SAFE:  Coral, Kristina, Chasity and Zayden.

TOP 2 TEAMS:  Anna & Bones and Aaron & Shantall

                WINNING TEAM:  Anna & Bones

                 WINNER:  Anna - has Immunity.

BOTTOM TEAMS:  Prajje & Sabrina   and    Katie & Octavio

ELIMINATED:  Sabrina - is proud that a girl from Afrastgan can be a show.

EPISODE #6:  Fashion Is Back, Baby.                                                            Left.

START OFF:  At the Designer's Townhouse  early in the morning getting ready.

ARRIVED AT:  The Work Place - Christian is there - with boxes for them.  

CHALLENGE:  Create a stylish runway look & a brand new accessory with an accessory deigner.

PRIZE:  By VISA $25,000 to be split.

DAY 1:  Meet the accessory designers:

Handbag - Andres Betancourt & Chasity,

Handbag - Lorna Nixon & Aaron,

Jewelry Designer - Sally Reardon & Anna,

Hat Designer - Ashaka Givens & Bones,

Vegan Shoemaker - Rebecca Hekes & Katie,

Bag - Akilah Stewart & Zayden,

Glovemaker - Katie Sue Nichols & Prajje,

Hat Designer - Rodney Patterson & Octavio,

Shoemaker - Lauren Brinkers & Kristina,

Hat Designer - Lynn Paik & Coral,

Jewelry Designer - Aziza-Abdullah Nicole & Shantall.

- Now, go to Mood & Hai Trim & Feathers.  $00. & 30 minutes to shop.  $250. at Speciality Shop.

DAY 2:  Continue Working. Models Fitting.

- Christian came by.

DAY 3:  Day of Runway Show.

                         THE RUNWAY SHOW!

GUEST JUDGE:  Steven Kolb, CEO of CFDA

SAFE:  Aaron, Anna, Chasity & Shantall.

TOP 4:  Prajje, Coral, Kristina & Ocravio.

       WINNER:  Kristina - will split $25,000 Plus Immunity.

BOTTOM 3:  Bones, Zayden & Katie.

ELIMINATED:  Katie - doesn't know she is as designer.

EPISODE #7:  Are You Fur Ready?                                                         10 Left.

START OFF:  At the Designer's Place getting ready to go to the workplace.

ARRIVED AT:  The Workplace.- Christian was there standing in front of 200 yds. of faux fur.

CHALLENGE:  Avant-Garde Challenge in 2 days.  Create an Avant-Garde look that highlight faux fur working in team of 2 create a single look.

- Kristina/Shantall                                                     Aaron/Bones,

- Chasity/Prajje,                                                       Zayden/Coral,


Now, head to Mood - 30 minutes & $500. to shop.  While heading back to the workplace the Van got into an accident, scaffolding busted.  Anne was bleeding went to the hospital.

Back at the workshop - Christian gave the day.  They lost a day of working.

NEXT DAY:  Back to work.   Aaron & Bones didn't get along.  Aaron was taking over & not listening or letting Bones make any decisions.

                                        THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGES:  Esteban Cortazar, Designer,

                                Bill Porter, Actor, Singer & Writer.

TOP 3 TEAMS:  Zayden/Coral      Prajje/Chasity        Bones/Aaron

- WINNING TEAM:  Chasity/Prajje

                          WINNER:  Chasity.

BOTTOM Kristina/ Shantall                Octavio/ Anne.

ELIMINATED:  Shantall.

EPISODE #8:  Couch Couture.                                                                      10 Left.

START OFF:  In the Designer's Townhouse - happy that Shantall is there.

ARRIVED AT:  The Workplace.  Chrstian arrived at then a quick fashion show showing off casual longewear.  That we wore during the shut in 'cause of the pandemic.

CHALLENGE:  On Luxe, Comfy chic look fit for a day out on the town, that both luxurious & cxozy in 1 Day.  No more immunity. 

NOW AT MOOD:  Christian was there.  Also, a quick shot of Swatch.   30 minutes to shop & $400.00

BACK TO WORK PLACE:  Christian comes in.


                                       Jeffrey Mac, Winnedr of Season #18.

                                             THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGE:  Maria Corejo, Founding Member of CFDA.

SAFE:  Shantall, Anna & Bones.

TOP 3:  Chasity, Aaron & Kristina.

BOTTOM 4:  Octavio, Prajje, Coral, & Zayden.

                 WINNER:  Kristina.

ELIMINATED:  Both Octavio & Zayden.

EPISODE #9:  The Last Straw.                                                           8 Left.

START OFF:  At the Designer's Place.  Anna is crying about Octavio  elimination.  Then a message from Christian came in:  Good Morning,  Designers.  You're the final eight.  You've passed the halfway point and you've earned a break.  There's a bar next to your house.  Bottomless mimosas

on me.  I will see you there.

ARRIVED AT:  The Bar next door.  Then Christian & Brandon arrived.

CHALLENGE:  Make a coaktail dress for the modern woman using anything you can find in the bar.  The Unconventional Challenge.   2 Days.

LATER THAT NIGHT:  Back at the house.  Fireworks

celebrating (I think) 4th July.


                                 THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGE:  Christopher John Rogers, Fashion Designer.

SAFE:  Bones & Coral.

TOP 3:  Aaron, Shantell & Kristina.

              WINNER:  Shantell.

BOTTOM 3:  Chasiity, Anna & Prajje.

EPISODE #10:  The Housewives.                                                              7 Left.

START OFF:  At the Designer's house.  The girls in the basement bedrooms are moving upstairs since there is now more space.  Then they headed to work place where Christian greated them on the runway.

REAL CLIENT CHALLENGE:  The Hpuzsewives of Orange County, Potomac & New York.

- Design the ultimate Reunion Show Look in 2 Days.

BONES:  Client - Miss Shannon of Orange County,  SHANTALL:  Client - Luann of New York,

ANNA:  Client - Gina of Orange County,  CORAL:  Client - Leah of New York,

AARON:  Client - Gizelle of Potomac, KRISTINA:  Client - Dr. Wendy,

           CHASITY:  Client Karen of Potomac.

                       THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGE:  Andy Cohen.

     TOP 2:  Aaron & Shantall

             WINNER:  Shantall.

    SAFE:  Bones & Coral.

    BOTTOM 3:  Chasity, Kristina & Anna.

ELIMINATED:  Anna - didn't listen to her client.

EPISODE #11:  Haute Hair.                                                                   6 Left.

START OFF:  In the Launge after the last Runway Show.  Then Christian came in.  He told them to go back to the runway for details about the next challenge.

CHALLENGE:  Collaboration with one of the Black Upcoming Hair Stylist.  Create a runway look inspired by your hair stylist in 1 day.  (  I am very happy that they started to recornize Black Hair Stylist & stop making Black Models wear white hair style).

- CORAL:  Stylist - Arkeeshia - Beautiful Ponytail,

- SHANTALL:  Oluchi - Bantu Knots,

- AARON:  Ariana - Long Braids,

- KRISTINA:  Aishat - Sleek & Chic,

- BONES:  Kopper - Creative Buns,

- CHASITY:  Davanny & Agnes - Twists.

Happy Birthday, Aaron 40th Birthday.  (I hope he isn't eliminated 'cause of the birthday curse)

MOOD:  Swatch was there.  He's looking good.

                               THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGE:  Precious Lee, Plus Size Model & Activist.

     TOP 2:  Christina & Chastity.

                  WINNER:  Chasity.

     SAFE:  Shantall & Bones.

     BOTTOM 2:  Aaron & Coral.

ELIMINATED:  Aaron - the birthday curse.

EPISODE #12:  The Model as the Muse.                                       5 Left.

START OFF:  In the Lounge right after the last Runway Show.  Then the Producer, Dunia, came in & stated that Christian is across the street in the Warehouse & for them to go there.  They walked in a Photo Shoot with Coc Rocha & Christian.

CHALLENGE:  Create a high fashion look for an editorial photoshoot with Coco Rocha in 2 days.  No Runway Show.

MOOD: Swatch was there.  $800. & 30 minutes to shop.

                                            PHOTO SHOOT

PHOGRAPHER: William Richards.

- When done go to the Runway to be judged.

GUEST JUDGE: Coco Rocha.

                            TOP 2:  Coral & Shantall.

                                                 WINNER: Shantall.

                              BOTTOM 3:  Kristina, Bones & Chasity.


EPISODE #13: The Sky is the Limit.                                              4 Left.

START OFF: The Final Four: Chasity, Shantall, Kristina & Coral.

- At The Designer's Townhouse then the doorbell ring, A messenger is there with a message from Christian: Designers, please meet me at the Rockeffer Center.  You won't believe the view.  See you soon.

ARRIVED AT: Rockeffer Center - Christian & Nina was there.  (rooftop)

CHALLENGE: Create a look highlighting your brand's point of view in the next wave of fashion.

ARRIVED AT: Mood - Christian was there.  Also, saw Swatch.  30 minutes to shop & $750.00

BACK AT THE WORKPLACE: CFDA people were there to talk to them.  Then they began working.

                                         THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGE: Karlie Kloss.

       ALL 4 GOING TO FASHION WEEK!  10 Piece collection $10,000 for expenses & 5 months to complete.

EPISODE #14: Finale.                                                    4 Left.

START OFF: FINAL FOUR: Chasity, Shantall, Coral & Kristina.

3Mths. Before Fashion Week: Christian visits each finalist in their hometowns.


:  Christian visit Shantall.

HOUSTON, TEXAS: Christian visit Chasity.

LOS ANGELES, CAIFORNIA: visit with Coral.

QUEENS, NEW YORK: visit with Kristina.

BACK TO NEW YORK CITY: 3 months later. Fashion Week in September.

- All 4 are back in the new workplace.  The show is 48 hours.

- Staying at Ink 48 Hotel.

                                          THE RUNWAY SHOW

- Elaine Welteroth is not there.

GUEST JUDGE - Tommy Hilfiger.

                                THE WINNER IS: SHANTALL!