Friday, June 16, 2023


 EPISODE #1:  Meet the All-Stars.                                  14 to Start.

HOST & MENTOR:  Christian Siriano.

JUDGES:  Nina Garcia,

                  Brandon Maxwell,

                 Elaine Welteroth.

PRIZE:  $250,000

              Feature in Elle magazine,

              Also, mentorship with CDFA.

STAYING AT:  Hotel Indigo, Williamsburg.

WORKROOM:  Brooklyn, NY.


                               PLAYERS (14)

1.  KORTO MOMOLU  47       S-5                                    Little Rock, ARKANAS

2.  BISHME CROMARTIE 31   S-17                                Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA

3.  JOHNATHAN "KAYNE" GILLAPIE  43  S-3            Nashville, TENNESSEE

4.  RAMI KASHOU  45  S-4                                            Brooklyn, NEW YORK

5.  KARA SAUN  55    S-1                                               Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA

6.  ANNA YINAN ZHOUS  33  s19                                 San Franciso, CALIFORNIA

7.  BRITTANY ALLEN  33    S-18                                  Austin, TEXAS

8.  FABIO COSTA  39        S-10                              Belo Horizonte, BRAZIL

9.  HESTER SUNSHINE  38  S17                                    Brooklyn, NEW YORK

10.  MILA HERMANOVSKI  53   S-7                             Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA

11.  NORA CALIGURI PAGEL  39  S-1                          Metuchen, NEW JERSEY

12.  PRAJJE OSCAR JEAN-BAPTISTE  39   S-19      Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA

13.  VIKTOR LUNA  42     S-9                                        Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA

14.  LAURENCE BASSE 47       S-15                              Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA

ARRIVED AT:  Rooftop of a pier overlooking the city, where they found the outfit that got them eliminated in their season.

FIRST CHALLENGE: Reinvent your look into the ultimate redemption look.


Project Redemption.
                           Still, 14 to Start.

CHALLENGE: 30 minutes to sketch, then head to Mood.  $600.  & 45 minutes to shop.  (No Memorial for Swatch)

TWIST:  No Immunity but Prizes for each challenge.  This challenge $10,000


GUEST JUDGE:  Alicia Silverstone, Author & Activist.

    TOP 3:  Bishme, Kayne, & Fabio.

          WINNER:  Kayne - Won $10,000

   BOTTOM 3:  Nora, Viktor, & Kara Saun.


EPISODE #3:  Toying with Fashion.                                           13 Left.

ARRIVED AT:  Rockefeller Plaza

                           F.A.O. Schwarz  Toy Store.

CHALLENGE:  The Unconventional materials challenge.  Create whimsical runway looks from toys. 2-Day Challenge.  45 minutes to Shop with $2,000.  30 minutes to sketch.

DAY 2:  Back to Work.

- Models fitting.

DAY 3:  The Runway Show.

GUEST JUDGE:  CEO & Founder of Alice + Oliva, a Designer,  Stacey Bendet.


    SAFE:  Fabio, Kara Sun, Hester, Anna, Bishme, & Korta.

   TOP:  Prajje, Kayne, Brittany, & Viktor.

                 WINNER:  Viktor.

   BOTTOM:  Mila, Rami, & Laurence.


EPISODE #4:  Coronation Day.                                12 Left.

In honor of King Charles's Coronation.

CHALLENGE:  Create a formal gown fit for royalty.  Magnificent gown, modern & fresh.  In teams of two.  2-Day Challenge.  Budget of $1,000 & 30 minutes to shop.

       Kayne/Viktor            Brittany/Anna      Hester/Fabio      Kara Saun/Laurence   Prajje/Korto


DAY #1:  Start Working,

DAY #2:  Continue Working.

                Christian's Mentor.

DAY #3:  The Runway Show.


GUEST JUDGE:  Wes Gordon, Creative Director of Caroline Herrera.


    All to Be Crit.

TOP 2 PAIRS:  Korto/Prajje and Laurence/Kara Saun.

                  WINNER:  Korto.

 SAFE:  Rami, Bishme, Hester & Fabio.

BOTTOM:  Viktor, Kayne, Brittany & Anna.

ELIMINATED:  Viktor - too many accessories.

EPISODE #5:  Seeing Red.                                         11 Left.

The designers entered the runway room where it is very dark & Christian is hiding.

CHALLENGE:  Sharing a single bolt of RED fabric, Create a unique look that is distinctly yours in a 1-day challenge.  The PRIZE is $10,000.

NEXT DAY:  The Show.

        The Runway Show

GUEST SHOW:  Lena Waithe, Actor, Producer, & Emmy-Award Winning Writer.

   SIX TO BE CRIT:  Brittany, Anna, Hester, Fabio, & Kara Saun.

TOP:  Brittany, Anna, & Kara Saun.

BOTTOM:  Rami, Hester, & Fabio.

        WINNER:  Brittany - Won $10,000.


EPISODE #6:  Like Totally 90's.                                  10 Left.

GUEST JUDGE:  Jennie Garth, Actress, Producer & 90's Icon.

CHALLENGE:  Working in 2 Teams of 5, bring back the 90's.  Must be creative, chic, and cohesive, in a mini collection in 2 days.  No Demin.  The runway will be held at a local high school.

BLUE TEAM:  Laurence, Bishme, Prajje, Korto, & Rami.

RED TEAM:  Kayne, Brittany, Fabio, Kara Saun, & Anna.

DAY #2:  The Runway Show.


                          Queens, New York

     The Runway Show

        WINNING TEAM - Blue Team

Top #3:  Prajje, Bishme, & Laurence.

       WINNER:  Laurence.

BOTTOM 3:  Brittany, Fabio, & Kayne.


EPISODE #7:  Fashion, Inside Out.                                          9 Left.

START OFF:  The Next Day in the designer's hotel before leaving for the runway.

ARRIVED AT:  The Runway waiting for their next challenge.

CHALLENGE:  Create a high-fashion look showcasing couture-like undergarments into outerwear, in a 1-day challenge.

- LAURENCE'S ADVANTAGE - get $100.00 extra to shop.

                            THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGES:  Sergio Hudson, filling in for Nina,

                                Paulina Poliakova.


TOP 3:  Rami, Prajje, & Kara Saun.

BOTTOM 3:  Fabio, Laurence, & Korto.

     WINNER:  Kara Saun.


EPISODE #8:  Uncut Hems.                                 8 Left.

- Brandon enters the designer's lounge after the show to help them deal with Fabio's elimination.  Then, when Brandon left them Christian came on the tv stating there were leaving the city tomorrow.  But, Where?????

NEXT DAY:  ARRIVED AT:  in Conn. at Christian Siriano Store.

CHALLENGE:  Create a high-fashion runway look, which shows the versatility of Demin.  Go Head-to-Head Battle.  Kara Saun's Advantage is picking her battle.  Win $5,000 1 Day Challenge.

                   KARA SAUN VS. ANNA              BRITTANY VS. LAURENCE

                   RAMI VS. KORTO                        BISHME VS. PRAJJE.

                                  THE RUNWAY SHOW

GUEST JUDGE:  Willy Chavarria, Fashion Designer in Demin,

                              Julia Fox, Actress.


TOP 4:  Bishme, Korto, Kara Saun, & Laurence.

BOTTOM 4:  Prajje, Rami, Brittany, & Anna.

           WINNER - Laurence - Won the $5,000.

ELIMINATED:  Rami  BUT in the Designer's lounge Christian Save Rami.

EPISODE #9:  Below Decked Out.                              Still 8 Left.

ARRIVED AT:  Still in the Designer's Hotel Lounge until Christian texted them.  Told them to meet him at Green Point Pier for the next challenge.

CHALLENGE:  Real Client Challenge: The Captain & Crews of the TV show -Below Deck. 

- Reinvent their uniform. 2-Day Challenge.

   Kara Saun get Mzi, Bishme get Aesha, Rami get Courtney, Korto get Daisy, Prajje get Sandy, Brittany get Colin, Anna get Jason and Laurence get Gary.

                          THE RUNWAY SHOW


- Kate Chastain,

- Countess Luann.


  TOP 3:  Rami, Brittany, & Bishme.

        WINNER - Bishme.

 SAFE:  Korto & Laurence.

 BOTTOM 3:  Kara Saun, Prajje, & Anna.


EPISODE #10:  Freedom.                                                     7 Left.

Back in the Designer's Lounge right after the runway show, then Christian came in to tell them about their next challenge.

CHALLENGE:  Project Runway first - Make whatever you want in a 2-day challenge.

DAY 1:  Met at Moody.  $750. & 30 minutes to shop.  Then went over to the workshop to begin work.

- Show will be held at:  Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedom State Park in NYC.  Rain or Shine.

- Prajje is upset that Brittany copy his top from a previous challenge.

DAY #2:  Continue Work.


- It is raining & the show will go on.

- GUEST JUDGE:  None but Christian is there.

SAFE:  Korto & Brittany.

TOP 3:  Bishme, Rami, & Laurence.

BOTTOM 2:  Prajje, & Kara Saun.

     WINNER - Bishme.

ELIMINATED:  Kara Saun - it looked like they eliminated the old designers. (my opinion)

EPISODE #11:  Double Bind.                                                   6 Left.

NEXT CHALLENGE:  Christain came into the lounge & told them someone is waiting for them on the runway - Elaine.  Each creates one runway look that showcases two styles in 1Day.

   BISHME - Bold & Basic,    KORTO - Formal & Casual,       RAMI - Fitted & Oversized,

   PRAJJE - Elegant & Edgy,  BRITTANY - Sexy & Modest    LAURENCE - Classic & Trendy.


 - Meet Christian at Mood

- then begin work.



GUEST JUDGE:  Batsheva Hay, Fashion Designer.


TOP 2:  Laurence & Brittany.

          WINNER:  Laurence.

SAFE:  Rami.

BOTTOM 3:  Korto, Bishme & Prajje.

ELIMINATED:  Korto.  See my comment in the last episode.

EPISODE #12:  Let Me See Your Peacock.                                           5 Left.

CHALLENGE:  Create a striking Red-Carpet menswear look worthy of 1,000 flashbulbs.  Christian arrives carrying a Peacock feather fan.   A 2-Day Challenge & win $5,000.

LAURENCE'S ADVANTAGE: Get an extra $200.00 for shopping.   

DAY 1:  Sketch, Shop, & Start Work.

- Christian's critic.

DAY 2:   Continue Working.

- Model Fitting.

DAY 3:  Finish Working.


GUEST JUDGE:  Colman Domingo.

      TOP 3:  Rami, Bishme, & Brittany.

                WINNER:  Rami - Won the $5,000.

    BOTTOM 2:  Prajje & Laurence.

ELIMINATED:  Prajje.     

EPISODE #13:  The Sky's the Limit.                                                4 Left.

   FINAL FOUR:  Brittany, Laurence, Bishme, & Rami.

ARRIVED AT:  SUMMIT, One Vanderbilt, a new glass & mirror building. (not for those that are afraid of height)

CHALLENGE:  Inspired by the architecture around you & create an Avant-Garde look worthy of the final in 2 days challenge.  30 minutes to shop & $700.  

DAY 1:  Begin Work.

DAY 2:  Still Working.

              Christian's working through,

              Models fitting.    

DAY 3:  The Runway Show, Last Show.

GUEST JUDGE:  Steven Kolb, CEO of CFDA,

                              Law Roach, Stylist.


         WINNER:  Bishme.

SAFE:  Laurence & Brittany.


EPISODE #14:  The Finale.                                               3 Left.

    Final 3:  Laurence, Brittany & Bishme.

CHALLENGE:  Given $10,000 & 8 days to make 8 looks to be shown at the finale.  They are given help by 3 eliminated designers:  Fabio, Karen Saun, & Prajje.

DAY 8:  The Day of the Show.

                            The Project Runway Show

- Brandon can not make it.

GUEST JUDGES:  Billy Porter, Style Icon,

                                Zac Posen.


              THE WINNER IS BISHME.  (I am happy)




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